Saturday, December 15, 2007

Business Week 50 Best Internships

Business Week recently published a list of the top 50 companies to intern at. The main criteria: offering jobs at the end of the summer. Internships are now more meaningful than space fillers for your resume. They are becoming a summer long interview process that could possibly lead to your first job. This means that the pressure is on! Since the line between internships and jobs are blurring, remember to act like a professional (ie steer clear of sex jokes, personal phone calls, texting, online shopping and addictive online games). Although internships tend to be less strict than jobs, do not abuse your freedom. Make sure you give off a good impression, meaning that you enjoy working for the company and that you want to be there. Remember that the goal of an internship is experience and networking opportunities. Even if you cannot picture yourself working at the company in the future, a stellar recommendation from them will help you land a job somewhere else.

This article reminds me of my past internship because I was offered a job at the end of the summer. The president pulled me aside to tell me that my enthusiasm, anticipation of their needs and grammatical precision were what they looked for in employees. Oddly enough, the president was convinced that I would give up finishing my college degree for a public relations position. Although I did not accept the job, I was proud that my hard work was noticeable. 

Good actions don't go unnoticed. Keep up the hard work because it will pay off!
