Sunday, March 30, 2008

Internship Ratings of the Week: Omniture, Inc.

This week I have decided to review the rating for Omniture, Inc. This rating stands out to me because of the working environment this user experienced. From what I gather, Omniture is a fast-paced media company that understands the importance of an internship. This user states that there was always something to do and "never felt like I was given busy work or work that was insubstantial." Obviously, this is very important to future internship applicants. At this company, you can leave with a feeling of accomplishment and maybe even a portfolio! This internship is also good for networking and real world experience.

The one problem with this company is that it is quite large. This can be extremely overwhelming for an intern. According to this users comments, there are a lot of politics that circle around the office environment. If interning at a company be careful when it comes to gossip and inter social relations. Keep it PG-13 at all times. Remember things you say in fun or in passing can bite you in the butt! While working at a company that likes to "work hard and play hard" make sure you show your personality.

I think that this company provides a great experience for most interns. But, if it is your first time interning I would recommend staying away. It is hard to be thrown into such a large company at the beginning. If you are just starting your intern career, try applying to smaller companies. Hopefully there you will be able to adjust to the working world without having to deal with corporate politics. For more information about this internship check out!
